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Getting Started

Any user can create and upload a map that can be added to In Plain Sight 2.

Making a map is a daunting and difficult task, especially when creating one alone. The tips and steps in this script will help you and any collaborators with making an IPS2 map.

=> [Step 1: The Idea] Come up with an idea! Make sure your map is interesting and something you would want to have in the game. Think of a map that you think the game needs or something you'd find fun. For example... Stealing from a spaceship. What interesting gameplay can come from stealing in space? Because this is a sci-fi setting, maybe there's futuristic transport tubes, lasers, and air locks.

=> [Step 2: Acquire the tools] Get a copy of the IPS2 submission kit from here: This is a requirement for map making, as the studio file has the required tags set up. Install the Tag Editor plugin. The plugin can be found here: The Tag Editor plugin allows you to tag instances for scripts to use, such as the Item tag to indicate stealable items.

=> [Step 3: Making the Map] => [Step 3a: Layout] The first and most important step of making a map is to make the layout. When making a map, you first want to start a process called grayboxing. Grayboxing is the process of making a rough representation of the map, without taking the time to do things such as modeling items or detailing the map. This is essentially a sketch, but for a map, rather than a drawing. Grayboxing is important to do first so you don't have to change the layout later and throw away all the time spent modeling or detailing. Frequently test your grayboxed map by clicking the Test tab and clicking Play. Make sure it's fun to run around as a default character in this grayboxed map.

Once you have something good, start decorating and add items.

Here are some general tips to be successful (very important):

  • Remake the gameplay that you find fun in the maps currently in the game
  • Don't make it too wide open: stick to rooms
  • Don't make your rooms too cramped: the thieves should have a fair amount room to look and move around
  • Make sure to consider height variation! A map that is all on one floor can get boring
  • Very important: organize your map's parts in the Explorer window with famed folders and models
  • Make mostly your own item models! Maps that mostly use the given standard item assets won't be considered
  • Keep item models in a named folder titled "Items" and name the models as how they should appear in-game
  • Avoid weird camera angles from the camera hatches on the thieves
  • Make sure to be creative! It gives you a higher chance for your work to be seriously considered.

How to use the placeholders (REQUIRED):

  • Placeholders are used to indicate where you want certain map features
  • "Camera" placeholders should be used to indicate where a camera hatch should be
  • "Drop Off" placeholders should be the locations where thieves can drop off their loot and escape the map
  • "Exit Van" placeholders indicate where the exit van should be for thieves entering and exiting the map
  • "No NPCs" placeholders should be located where you don't want crowds of NPCs spawning

=> [Step 4: Upload and Submit] Upload your map and make sure you allow copying on the model. Lastly, compile all your work into one message and send it on our communications server (linked below the In Plain Sight 2 game page in the social links section) in the correct channel for submissions.